Any File. Any Device

Cross-platform Network File Transfer Application


NitroShare is designed to make transferring files from one device to another extremely simple.


NitroShare was designed to be simple. The application uses broadcast discovery to find other devices on the local network with NitroShare installed.


NitroShare is built to take advantage of fast networks, easily achieving gigabit speeds on capable hardware.


NitroShare runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux. Files can easily be transferred between machines running different operating systems.

Open Source

NitroShare is written in modern C++ and makes use of the excellent Qt Framework. All of the source code for the application is released under the MIT license.


In order to use NitroShare on your local network, you will need to install the desktop application on each device that you wish to use for transferring files.

macOS (DMG)

Source Archive (TAR.GZ)

Looking for beta releases?
We maintain a Jenkins CI server with up-to-the-minute builds of NitroShare for Windows and macOS. Ubuntu users can use our dev PPA.

Linux Packages

NitroShare is designed to run on a wide variety of Linux distros and desktop environments.

Debian Sid, Ubuntu 16.04+

NitroShare is included in the Debian and Ubuntu archives and can be installed with the following command:

sudo apt-get install nitroshare

Because the packages can often be out of date, a PPA has been set up. You can add the PPA and install NitroShare with the following commands:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:george-edison55/nitroshare
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nitroshare

Fedora 23+

NitroShare has recently been added to Fedora and can be installed with the following command:

sudo dnf install nitroshare

Arch Linux

Packages for NitroShare are available from the AUR. The package can be built and installed with the following commands:

tar xf nitroshare.tar.gz
cd nitroshare
makepkg -sri